Why Libido Declines with Age - About Health | Blog

Why Libido Declines with Age

Why Libido Decline with Age

During youth, sexual desires and drive feel effortless and abundant. It’s a natural part of life, driven by rigid hormone levels, vibrant energy, and the novelty of new experiences. As we age, however, it can be daunting to experience the foreign changes of declining libido. Understanding the reasons behind this shift can help to normalise the experience and help you find ways to cope.

Does it feel like your body constantly lacks energy, no matter what you do? While sleep and lifestyle play some part in this the hormones that are changing in your body make the most significant contribution. For women, menopause causes a reduction of oestrogen and testosterone levels, which help get those intimate desire feelings firing.  Symptoms that you may experience include, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and as you know, reduced energy. In men, the gradual decline of testosterone is an indicator. This typically occurs around their 30s or 40s, often referred to as andropause. You may notice symptoms of decreased libido (of course), reduced muscle mass, and lower energy levels. It’s important to note that these symptoms are normal, and there are ways to keep the spark going.

The aches and pains just doing daily tasks can be a struggle. As you age, your body stops working the way it used to, and chronic conditions become even more likely. Many don’t realise that these conditions can impact intimate desire. Conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and obesity can influence blood flow, which can contribute to libido.

Mental health ebbs and flows throughout life, you may remember being a fired-up teenager and even after years of life experience, you might feel like you’re back raging at the little things. Mental and emotional well-being is an important factor that is tightly linked to libido. Things like stress, anxiety, depression and relationship issues can all take a toll on sexual desire.

It seems like time is only getting faster as we age. It’s important to not slip into unhealthy routines, that lack physical activity or leaves no room for the full eight hours of sleep. Poor sleep, lack of exercise, and an unbalanced diet are all contributing factors to feeling mentally and physically drained. Habits like alcohol and smoking also play a part in the decline of libido. It’s never too late to break the cycle and work towards and healthier lifestyle and watch your libido transform.

Elder Couple

Steps to Support Your Libido as You Age

While the decline in hormones naturally causes the depletion of libido, other lifestyle changes could help you take control of your libido

  1. Start your health journey: Work out regularly, eat a rainbow diet, and get the recommended amount of sleep. These simple changes can hav a postive impact on your libido. 

  2. Communication openly: As you will know communication is one of the most, if not the most important aspect of any relationship. Talking openly and honestly to your partner about your needs and concerns can noy only strenghten intimacy but can also improve your intimate life. 

  3. Consider Libido Support: The Herbal Ignite range is designed with care and consideration to address these issues with libido. With all-natural ingredients Herbal Ignite has created a range that has little to no side effects, with maximum benefits to have you feeling confident again in the bedroom. Herbal Ignite for Him and Herbal Ignite for Her are top-selling products that have been trusted by thousands of Kiwis for almost 30 years, to provide support during those special moments. 

  4. Manage Stress and Mental Health: Practice mindfulness, therapy, or stress management techniques can help with mental barrier to a healthy libido.

Ageing by no means giving up on an exciting and vibrant intimate life. By having an idea of what's contributing to the lack thereof, you can take the proactive steps to embrace this stage of life with confidence.